Post 10:Final Post

Hi everyone!
This is the last post that i writting in this semester, and i want to talk about my experience in this blog.
Well, first i going to say that i am a very shy person, maybe that doesn´t show it but is true, i´m very shy and insecure, i have terror to the mistakes but i feel that the write every friday has helped me to let me free of this fear. Today, when i have to write, i do it!, if i make a mistake i don´t care, i fix it and this way i believe that i know how express myself better in english.
The experience in general i think it was cool, the most of the topic were very funny and enjoyed me to write it, the three comments to our classmates was important too, because you needed reading his post and with that comment. This thing in particular served me to know my classmates, her likes, dislikes, and diferent things.
if you ask me what include in the future i don´t know what to say, i think that the logic of the activity are very good and meets it´s objetives, maibe include minimal tips, like pictures in every post, note for the presentation of blog, etc.


  1. ohh I love the blogs, Im sad, why the have to end?

  2. Hi Cony, what more beautiful words :D

  3. Hi cony!!
    I liked the blogs too, and it's sad that this finished. But as you say, this blog have been a good opportunity for express us with ourselves.
    Great post

  4. I don't believe that you are a shy person hahaha

  5. Hello. I agree with you, at the first blog I didn't put any picture, but at the end is better, the blogs seen very good.Greetings

  6. Hi Cony!, I really agree with you, it's a good instance to express yourself :)


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