Post 5: My Future Job

Hello Everyone!
Winter is here! and the rain makes me nostalgic and fanciful.
Today I would like to talk about the future, the future I imagine and I hopes came true in the next 2 years.
I would like to start to work in one ONG related to children, like Fundación opción, because
I know this organizations and her deficences in professional personal. I would like to help and contribuite to the vision of the organizations.
Later I would like to work in the public sector, ideally in one public service like JUNAEB, SERNAGEOMIN, JUNJI or SENAME. I would like to dedicate myself to implementation of public politics and share with the poblation.
For that I imagine my future job in the office but also out of this.
Now I have been thinking if study a magister of public politics and I have decides don´t do it. The principal reason was the experience of my friends that finish the career and studied the magister and now they don´t find a job because they studied to much but not have the experience. So My plan is first finish the career and start to work and later, in a few years start to study a magister.

I have to say that the future to me is a mistery yet, but I hope will be a beautiful and happy future.


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