Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

Hello everyone!! how are you?

Today I would like to talk about one topic very important to me, my plan about studying Postgraduate Studies.
Well, I'm in my fourth year of college and I´m near to finish the career, so this topic will be  priority for me in a few years.

The last year I was sure of study a postgraduate, but my friends told me that it keep studyndg it´s not a good plan.
The people who study a postgraduate inmediately after finish the undergraduate has less chance to get a job, because they are over qualified.

For this reason I decided not study a postgraduate after finish the career, my plan is first get a job and get experience in the public sector and then thinking in studying a postgraduate.

I would like to study a postgraduate about public politics in beucheff of the Universidad de Chile but also I would like to study in another country, like England or France.

I´m interested in study a posgraduate because I would like to especialize in that I like.

Right now I don´t know much about the differents courses of postgraduate, but I´m sure that someday I will study one, because I think it´s very important keeping studiyng, have the choise lerning new tools to solve public problems and help the citizenships


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