Post 8: Abortion, child labor, recycling and tatoos

Hello Friends!

Today I´ll talk about different topics and my opinion about it.

The first topic that I chose to talk about is  legalizing abortion in some cases and my opinion is clear, I believe in free abortion, without limit by gestation time or by any other reasons. I'm sure about interruption of pregnancy is a decision of each women, and It´s part of he human rights, because force a woman to give birth is to impose sovereignty over another body.

Another topic that I chose is my opinion about child labor. I work with children in a volunteering and some of them have worked before. I think is a invisibilized phenomenon in the society because is informal work. Take care of you´re little sister all day, or help in the familiar store is child work too but It pass unobsserved.

The Third topic I´ll talk about is recycling. The last year I started to separate the trash in my house, It was difficult because you need known about the packaging components and there I realized we are surronded of plastic. But the most worrying thing is the low porcentary of recycled materials. Aproximaly 60% of materials that can be reclycled are not being reclycling so is primordial promote initiatives about reuse of materials that can be recycled.(181 +77)

Finally the last topic I chose was the tatoos. My parents are very conservatives in this topic, I grow up listening that the tatoos are awful, ugly, vulgar, etc. When I was a child I believed that the persons who used tatoos was bad persons, or vulgar persons, but now my perception change and I´m understand that this logic was wrong and It´s a very bad thing judge someone for how they look like. Now I teach my little sister to not follow this logic and she understands perfectly.


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